Camping Gear



Here is the list I put together for the camp outs, with a few revisions:

Friday and Sunday are basically Travel days, so you really only need stuff for Saturday, and for two nights.


2-3 changes of clothes - be prepared to get wet and have to change more than once on Saturday (no laundry facilities)
Short Pants may suffice, but bring enough Long Pants (for you and child) for the entire time just in case
Bring a large Garbage Bag for discarded dirty and wet clothing for the trip home
Pajamas or Robe for you and your Indian (Its mighty tight quarters in there)
Warm and Cold, Wet and Dry weather gear (i.e. Jackets, Long and Short Pants, Rain cover, Rubber Boots, Umbrella)
Hats and Sunglasses for yourself and your Little One
Tennis Shoes or Hiking Shoes for you and your Indian, and SEVERAL pairs of sox for each of you (Sandals generally inadequate)
Swimming Stuff: Swim Suits, Towels, Suntan Lotion, Sandals, Goggles, etc.
Toiletry items including Towels (which can be used for swimming as well)
Bar Soap !!  (The showers are often barren of this item)


Sleeping Bags for the two of you
Pillows for Each of You
Any special bedtime items (special blankets, stuffed animals, etc.)

Indian Stuff:

Tee Shirts
Head Bands
Other Paraphernalia - Wampum Bags, Feathers, etc.
Tribal Property - Fire, Drum, Talking Feather, Standard, etc.
Ideas for Skits

Emergency Supplies:

SNACKS !! Nibbles, Drinks, MARSHMALLOWS (for the fire!) - Enough for TWO days - Don't forget a coat hanger to roast the Marshmallows on
First Aid Supplies - Kids Medicines for aches, pains, runny noses, coughs, etc, or any prescription drugs
A real First Aid kit for injuries, Band-Aids, burn care, etc.
Bring any meds you might need in case you yourself get a respiratory or GI bug
OFF BUG SPRAY !! - We used this like crazy at prior Camp Outs
Texas Road Map and Map to The CampSite (Available at the Y - Don't Get Lost !!)
Automotive Emergency Kit (Jumper Cables, Antifreeze, Tire Inflater, Tools, etc.)
Flashlights for you and your Child with EXTRA BATTERIES. These are used HEAVILY on Friday and Saturday Nights.
Camera, Film, Batteries
Money (Don't forget you will likely have to stop and eat in route)
Cell Phone with Charger
Portable Radio
Fanny Pack with Sport Water Bottles
WALKIE TALKIES!! were a great help and HIT at the last Camp Out
Multipurpose Tool/Pocket Knife

Sporting Equipment and Games:

Baseball mitts and balls
Soccer Ball
Card Games
Board Games
Fishing Gear

What NOT To Bring:

Firewater (Alcohol)

Seems like a LOT for only two nights, but you would be surprised how virtually all of it is used. I started getting ready about a week before, and found it was easier than cramming it in the night before (lots of unusual stuff to get together and its easy to forget something). This is a reasonably comprehensive list, but I probably left something out. If you brought all of this stuff, however, you would do just fine.


Lets have a GOOD TIME !!!  SEE YOU THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chief RockDoc